Configuration Manual

The the Alert Manager App's main purpose is to extend Splunk's core alerting functionality with sophisticated incident workflows and reporting. He can be also used to replace existing workflow solutions (eg. Incident Review in Enterprise Security).

Alert Manager Core Concepts

The Alert Manager is built on top of Splunk's core alerting functionality, utilizing its main functionality. Instead of just doing a "fire and forget" action on the alert, the Alert Manager will store the state of an alert as an incident in a KV store. The app was designed to easily integrate into existing environments by just enabling the Customer Alert Action shipped with the app to your alerts that should be managed and adding the alert_manager role to the users that use the app or send alerts to the app. Pre-existing Alert Scripts still be used by configuring it with another alert action.

The Notion of Alerts & Incidents

It is important, to distinguish between the terms alerts and incidents.

  • The term Alert is used for alerts triggered by a Splunk scheduled search. Alert metadata is indexed by default into an index named alerts (if not changed during setup).

  • The term Incident is used for enriched metadata around the alert. The data is stored in a KV store and some metadata is enriched using lookup tables (for dynamic customizations).

Incidents are stored with metadata such as alert_time, job_id, owner, status, priority, ttl, etc.

Alert Action

The "alert_manager" Alert Action basically enables a Scheduled Search (Alert) to use the Alert Manager functionalities. It provides some options to customize the behaviour. These options apply to the actual incident being created when an alert fires.

For a user to able to send alerts to Alert Manager, the alert_manager needs to be assigned.

Incident Settings

Incident Settings are additional parameters which can be changed even after an Incident has been created.

Incident Categorization

Categorization is used to group incidents. Categorization can be used to filter incidents on the Incident Posture dashboard and run category statistics. There are two attributes can be used: category and subcategory.

Incident Tags

For more complex environments, incidents can be tagged with an arbitrary number of tags. Incidents can be filtered on the Incident Posture.

Impact, Urgency and Priority

The incident's priority is calculated using the alert's impact and urgency setting. By default, the calculation uses the matrix below:

Impact Urgency Priority
low low informational
low medium low
low high medium
medium low low
medium medium medium
medium high high
high low medium
high medium high
high high critical

Refer to Configure Impact, Urgency and Priority if you need to customize this behaviour.

Auto Assignment

Alert Manager allows incidents to be automatically assigned to owners.

Auto Resolution

Splunk's alerting facility triggers on search results. Sometimes an incident is resolved if no further search-results are found. In this case the "Auto-resolve expired incidents" -function can be used.

Another scenario could be, that an alert keeps recurring many times before an incident owner can find the root cause and fix the problem. This may cause a lot of incidents in the "new"-state. To close these previously opened incidents, the Auto Previous Resolve -function can be used.

Auto-append to existing unresolved incident with the same title

Using this option, if an alert is triggered an has the same title, it will be appended to the existing incident. The time will be updated to the new alert time.

Alert Results will be updated with new values. The incident details will display a first_seen timestamp and also a duplicate_count counter.


The history for this event will keep track of any previous alerts.

Auto-resolve expired incidents

To use the "Auto-resolve expired incidents" feature, the expiration time of the triggered alert time should be set. E.g. if an alert search runs every 15 Minutes, the expiration time should also be set to 15 Minutes.

E.g. the first alert fires at 1:00am and creates an incident. The next scheduled alert runs at 1:15am without results. The first alert from 1:00am will expire at 1:15am and the incident will be automatically resolved with status auto_ttl_resolve.

Auto-resolve previously opened identical incidents (deprecated)

The Auto Previous Resolve feature closes previous incident in status "new".

E.g. the first alert fires at 1:00am and creates an incident. The next scheduled alert fires at 1:15am and opens a new incident. If the first incident from 1:00am is still in status "new", it will be automatically resolved with status auto_previous_resolve. In case, the first incident's status was changed, it will not be resolved and it's status will be preserved.

Auto-resolve newly incidents opened identical incidents (deprecated)

Auto-resolve incidents on adding new matching suppression rules

Alert Manager supports the suppression of incidents e.g. during maintenance windows or for false positives. Incidents, that are suppressed will be automatically closed.

Custom Alert Action

For alerts to be managed by the Alert Manager, a few per-requisites have to be fulfilled.

The scheduled alert has be configured to run additional actions. This is done under the Alerts Settings dashboard.


Select the edit button. An Edit Action pop-up window opens.


Select the Alert Manager action. A form will be added into the pop-up window.


Note: To customize the title of an incident, you can include field values from results using $result.fieldname$ syntax.

Incident Settings

A few incident settings have to be configured separately from the alert actions.

By default, the table shows all alerts that are managed by the Alert Manager (indicated by the _key column). Depending on the App context drop-down selection, alerts that are readable by the logged in user's role, are displayed. Unmanaged alerts do not yet have a _key set.

To configure an unmanaged alert to be managed, the App context where the alert resides in needs to be selected. All alerts in the app context will be displayed in the table. If there are alerts that, are superfluous, they can be deleted by right-clicking on the table and selecting Remove row.

To store the new incident configuration, Save settings has to be selected. Before or after saving, further customization of the incident can be applied.

Note: Only users that have the admin_all_object capability can do an initial configuration of another users private alerts.


The name of the Alert (Saved Search). Read-only field.

Category and Subcategory

A category and a subcategory can be defined for every incident.


Tags have to be entered as a space separated list. If no tags are entered, the field will show the value of [untagged].

Display Fields

An optional space separated list of fields to be displayed under the incident details.

Notification Scheme

The selected notification scheme for this Incident

Impact, Urgency and Priority

The incident's priority is calculated based on a lookup table named alert_priority. A default lookup table seeds under $APP_HOME/lookup/alert_priority.csv.sample.

To adjust the priorities, create a new lookup table $APP_HOME/lookup/alert_priority.csv and edit $APP_HOME/local/transforms.conf to point to this new lookup table.

Overwriting Default Values

There are default values and settings, which can be overwriten by the alert, e.g. by using an eval or a lookup command:

  • urgency
  • impact
  • owner
  • category
  • subcategory
  • tags
  • display_fields
  • external_reference_id

Alert Manager Users

Users in the Alert Manager are supposed to be virtual. In addition to users in Splunk's ecosystem, e.g. Splunk internal users or users from an external LDAP repository, virtual Alert Managers users allow Incident assignment to external parties without creating them as a real Splunk user.

Note: There is no additional functionality than assigning Incidents to such users. They can't login to Splunk.

Add a Virtual Alert Manager user:

  • Open Settings -> User Settings in the Alert Manager
  • Ensure the active user directory is set to both
  • Fill in a username and his e-mail address (can be used as current_owner variable in Notification Schemes) and press Save Users
  • Go back to the Incident Posture view and assign an Incident to the new user

Disable Alert Manager Users

To disable virtual Alert Manager users, just set the active user directory to 'builtin' and press 'Save'. Users already existing won't get removed so Incidents assigned to them aren't broken but you cannot assign Incidents to them anymore from that point.

Alert Status

Alert Manager allows Alert Status customization. To change which statuses are available, follow the steps:

  • Open the Alert Status Settings under Alert Manager -> Settings -> Alert Status
  • A table shows all available statuses


  • The builtin column show all statuses that are deliverd by default with Alert Manager
  • The internal_only column shows statuses that are internal to Alert Manager
  • The status column stores the name of the status and the status_description column contains a user-friendly name for the status
  • Statuses can be added, changed and removed

Important: You should not delete builtin/internal_only statuses

E-Mail Notifications

Understand how E-Mail Notifications work

E-Mail notifications in the Alert Manager are based on different components:

  • Notification Schemes: Link Notifications to events
  • Notifications: Are part of the Notification Scheme, are defined by a sender address, a list of recipient addresses and types, a template used for the Notification
  • Events: Certain point in the incident workflow where Notifications can be attached to
  • E-Mail Templates: Link a E-Mail Template File to a E-Mail Template and define the subject of the Notification
  • E-Mail Template Files: Define the Message Body of the Notification

In other words, the central nerve-system of the Notification system in the Alert Manager are the Notification Schemes. A scheme can be assigned to an alert in the Incident Settings view (Navigation: Settings -> Incident Settings) and also can be reused for as many alerts as wanted.

Each Notification Scheme can contain one or many Notifications, even for the same Event. This allows to send multiple dedicated E-Mail Notifications to a different list of recipients using different templates.


  • The Alert creates Incidents upon failed authentication attempts to Splunk
  • Send a whitelabeled, HTML-formatted E-Mail Notification to the user with the failed login attempt to warn him
  • Send a plaintext E-Mail Notification to a mailbox monitored by an external incident management tool for further processing


In this release, the Alert Manager supports a number of Events which trigger a Notification:

Event Name Description Notes
incident_created New incident has been created
incident_suppressed New incident has been created and was automatically suppressed The event 'incident_created' does not get fired in this case
incident_auto_assigned Incident has been created and automatically assigned to a specific owner
incident_assigned Incident has been reassigned manually The event 'incident_changed' does not get fired in this case
incident_changed An attribute (Status, Urgency, Comment) of an Incident has been changed
incident_resolved The status of an incident has been changed manually to 'Resolved' The event 'incident_changed' does not get fired in this case
incident_auto_previous_resolved An incident has been resolved due a new incident with the same title
incident_auto_ttl_resolved An incident has been resolved by the Alert Manager scheduler after the TTL has been reached
incident_auto_suppress_resolved An incident has been resolved by the Alert Manager scheduler after a matching Suppression Rule was added

Create E-Mail Template Files

E-Mail Template Files are located at two paths:

  • Default templates shipped with the Alert Manager at $SPLUNK_HOMEe/etc/apps/alert_manager/default/templates
  • User created templates at $SPLUNK_HOMEe/etc/apps/alert_manager/local/templates

Note: Do not modify default templates at their default location. If you want to customize them, copy the files first to the local folder. Default templates are getting overwritten when updating the Alert Manager.

Each file contains the message body used for sending E-mail notifications. They can contain HTML or plaintext formatted content. To start over, create a file with .html ending, no matter that content-type later is used.

Formatting Options

There are a number of options available to customize the message body:

  • Fields from (the first) results, using the $result.fieldname$ syntax
  • Any line of the result, using the $results.X.fieldname$ where X is the row number of the result
  • Some static tokens (see below)
  • Jinja2 Template Designer Options (Learn More )

Static Tokens


Create E-Mail Templates

E-Mail Templates are used to name the E-Mail Template Files with an identifier to be used later in the Notification Scheme and also define the Subject of the message. Further, static attachments can be attached to the message. Place them at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/alert_manager/local/templates/attachments/.

  • Go to Settings -> E-Mail Templates in The Alert Manager
  • Fill in an identifier in the column template_name in the empty row at the end of the table
  • Select your previously created E-Mail Template File with the related pulldown at the template_file column (Refresh the page if your file doesn't appear in the list)
  • Select the content type
  • Choose a subject
  • The subject can include tokens ($result.fieldname$ or any other static token)
  • Add a blank-separated list of attachment files from $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/alert_manager/local/templates/attachments/
  • Symlinks are supported to include files from somewhere else (e.g. result of the outputcsv command)
  • Hit Save Templates to add this template

To update a template, just modify any kind of attribute and hit Save Template. Be careful when changing template names, maybe they are linked in a notification!

Create Notification Schemes

As described above, Notification Schemes finally containt a combination from Events, Sender Address, Recipient(s) Address and the E-Mail Template. Each combination is named as a Notification. Notification Schemes can contain multiple Notifications.

  • Go to Settings -> Notification Schemes in the Alert Manager
  • Click Add Notification Scheme and specify a Display Name and Scheme Name.
  • Note: Scheme Names shouldn't contain any blanks or special characters other than underscores _
  • Click on the name of the Notification Scheme to open the editor
  • Select an Event from the list
  • Specify a sender by just adding a valid e-mail address in the form name@domain.tld
  • Make use of the syntax Sender Name <> (without quotes) to define a sender name together with a sender mail address if necessary
  • Use default_sender as a placeholder to use the Splunk's default sender address
  • Add a recipient
  • Use a static e-mail address in the form name@domain.tld
  • Enter a comma-separated list of recipients to support multiple recipients
  • Use $result.fieldname$ syntax to refer to a field in results. Multi-value fields are supported
  • Use mailto:, mailcc: or mailbcc: as a prefix for recipients to change the recipient type
  • Use current_owner as a placeholder to refer to the e-mail address to the current or new owner of an incident
  • Make any combination of the specifications above, e.g.:,mailcc:current_owner,mailcc:$result.my_recipient_field$
  • Type in the name (column template_name) to be used for this notification
  • Click Save at lower right corner to save the Notification Scheme

External Workflow Actions

External Workflow Actions (EWA) can be used to manually trigger external actions. The External Alert Actions are based on Splunk's alert action functionality. While alert actions are usually triggered automatically, Alert Manager triggers the action manually.

Configure External Workflow Actions

  • (Optional) Install and configure an alert action under Splunk Settings -> Alert Action -> Setup
  • Open Alert Manager -> Settings -> External Workflow Actions
  • The table shows all available alert actions and parametrisations.


  • EWAs can be disabled/enabled for use within Alert Manager
  • Using different labels, different parametrisations of an EWA can be made available.
  • The title column must match the internal name of the Splunk alert action (can be checked in alert_actions.conf).
  • The parameters column is used for customizing the EWA
  • Parameters must be written in the form param.<paramname>=<value>
  • Available parameters can be found in the alerts alert_manager.conf.spec file
  • Parameters can use search result tokens in the form $result.<fieldname>$

Configure Drilldown Actions

  • Drilldown Actions can be used to open a web page using field values as parameters from the incident.
  • Currently only GET requests are supported
  • Fields can be referenced in the form $fieldname>$


  • Drilldown actions are shown within the incident details
